Spring Snow on the Flatirons

To break up the Tulip photos sequence, here’s one more image from the Chautauqua Park Flatirons shoot from a couple of weekends ago, again in the snow. The Flatirons are the slabs of Flagstone that appear to be leaning against the mountainside in the picture. The first three are numbered starting with the first Flatiron (tallest in this photo) and moving right to left. This photo was taken near the North edge of Chautauqua Meadow, near Baseline Road. This is also where in early June there will be Spring wildflowers covering a good portion of the meadowy area before you.

Flatirons & Evergreen

Chautauqua Park is a hub for a web of hiking trails along Boulder’s Southwest side. From Boulder Valley hiking along the base of the Flatirons, to the top of Green Mountain at 8144 feet elevation. For more information about Chautauqua Park, visit this link or simply Google it.

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