Sunrise at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal

I was feeling the urge to get outside today, so I made a quick sunrise trip to our Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. And it turned out to be just what I needed. The back/north 8-mile loop had just opened and lucky for me, the bison were grazing in their north pen, so the ONLY way to see them in good light was to drive the loop. The bison shots below were captured during the last quarter mile of that loop, but no way to get to them without traveling the 7.75 miles around.

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Rocky Mountain Arsenal Dog

I had to get out and test my new Nikon 200-500 f/5.6E lens so I took a detour one my way to work one morning and ended up in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge between Denver and the Denver International Airport. Even though the lens is not compatible with my older Nikon D90 (this lens has an electromagnetic aperture mechanism), the combination is somewhat compatible in that the lens is always shooting wide-open at f/5.6. This is ideally how I wanted to use this lens anyway. I love the reach and the subject isolation this combination yields.

Check it out for yourself:

RMA 20160310 007

Prairie Dog – Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 20160310 007

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