Full Moon Over Denver
On a last minute photo whim, I was able to capture the full moon rising over the Denver city skyline tonight. Met up with Mr. CanonBlogger.com (Jason Anderson) and stood up on top of the Auraria Campus paring structure to capture this shot.
Posted in Landscapes, Shoots and tagged city, Denver Skyline, full moon, nighttime by greggl with no comments yet.
Jordan Senior Portrait Session
Had a portrait session with Jordan Dick, my mother-in-law’s eldest son, the other night who’s a senior at Silvercreek High School in Longmont. He’s an avid musician who plays guitar, keyboards, trumpet and a little bit of the drums, so I tried to incorporate a few musical interests into his senior portraits. Here’s a small gallery of highlights from his session.
[nggallery id=’21’]
Posted in Portraits and tagged guitar, Jordan Dick, musical instruments, musician, senior portrait, single flash, trumpet by greggl with no comments yet.