Latest Studio Work – Rose

I spent some time in the studio this weekend, shooting a few different cut flower subjects and experimenting with a couple sheets of Plexiglass for different affects. I bought a sheet of white and a sheet of black Plexiglass and using my studio lights and a few foam core backdrops, I came up with the image below. (I wish I could find some plugin where I could draw out the lighting setup used for this image, all within the WordPress Post writing tool. Hmm. I’ll have to go searching now…)

The setup for this shot is a simple rose placed on black Plexiglass with two white foam insulation boards enclosing the background. Single light source in a 36-inch softbox to camera right. The light consists of only the modeling lamp as the trigger cord for the strobe was disconnected for this shot.

Enjoy and please, let me know what you think in the comments below.

Springtime Flowers 20110226 131

Springtime Flowers 20110226 131

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February Full Moon

Why was it tonight, no matter who we talked to, they’d ask “Where’s Gregg?” and “Is he out shooting the moon right now?”

Yes I was!

From the comfort of my closet’s window sill, that is!

Full Moon Rising 20110217 073

Full Moon Rising 20110217 073

Posted in Landscapes, Nighttime and tagged , by with no comments yet.

From Free GIMP Plugins for Photographers

A nice little article covering a few free GIMP plugins can be read here.

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