Meet Cameron
Here’s a recent studio session with a family and their adorable newborn named Cameron. She is just 10 days old in this series!
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Posted in Infants/Toddlers, Shoots and tagged baby, Cameron, girl, newborn, portraits by greggl with no comments yet.
Denver Capital Building
Back in late October, I participated in the Colby Brown Photowalk in downtown Denver. Colby is a local travel and landscape photographer here in DEnver and I’ve followed him in various social media outlets for a few years now. So when he decided to host a photowalk, I eagerly signed up if not just for the networking opportunities.
We began the walk at City Park, behind the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and the Denver Zoo, walking westward towards the Capital building. This being October, the trees in City Park were spectacular.
Downtown Denver was busy with people going wherever they need to be going on a Sunday afternoon. With the Occupy Denver protestors (patrol cars, looky-lou’s and hecklers) and the lower-downtown (LoDo) tourists, it was hard to get anything to stay still long enough for any camera exposure.
Our walk ultimately ended up at the Capital building, amongst the Occupy Denver protestors hanging out in the quad behind us (in between the Capital building and the City and County building to the west.) And over the course of these couple miles, nothing really caught my eye — I wanted to really get to the Capital building and try out some HDR photography techniques with the waning sunset light on the building itself, so I was a little antsy to get to the end, I guess.
And finally, after the sun had set and the “glow” of the sun on the copper dome had faded, I had to try processing one final shot of the capital building in Black and White.
What do you think of these images? Too “HDR-ie” or natural enough that it doesn’t bother you to learn they were shot and processed as HDR images?
Finally, the journey turned out to be a great walk and something Colby will conduct again this year. It was free to join and very fun to shoot and mingle with a lot of excellent photographers. I highly recommend this event this year. Check out the link above to Colby’s web site for announcements and dates of the next photowalk. I hear Roxborough Park might be on the agenda this time.
Posted in Landscapes, Nighttime, Photowalks and tagged architecture, buildings, capital building, Colby Brown, colorado, Denver Photowalk, Denver;, government, HDR, sunset, twilight by greggl with 1 comment.
Steamboat Sunset
Here’s a couple more images from my long weekend in Steamboat Springs back in early December. Steve Parker and I watched and waited for this sunset as it progressed from “good” to “outstanding”, but when we finally got out to shoot it, the wind had whipped up to add to the frigid temperatures already. I think the wind chill made for a chilly -5 degrees.
Both of these images are 3-shot HDRs, processed in Photomatix Pro.
Posted in General, Landscapes and tagged Catamount, farm, Steamboat Springs, sunset, winter by greggl with 1 comment.