Cabin on the Hill
Going back through my images I dug up this image from my 2006 Fall Colors trip (with Steve Parker) down into the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. This image happens to have been taken between Silverton and Ouray, I believe.
What reminded me about this image was, I was perusing Google+ today and saw someone else’s image of this very same cabin and waterfall, and I remembered that I had that image too. So I dug it out of my archives, took a NEW look at it and began working on it using Lightroom’s 2012 processing and Color Efex Pro 4 (the original image was taken back in October 2006) and I really liked the resulting image! (I recall I wasn’t too happy with these images way back when and thus never really finished them then. Good thing I didn’t throw them away!)
What do you think? What’s your thoughts on this image?
Posted in Landscapes and tagged cabin, fall, green, Ouray, San Juans, water, Waterfall by greggl with no comments yet.
Waxing Moon Setting over First Flatiron
I was up in Boulder checking out the fall colors along Mapleton Avenue and finding the gardners had just mowed there really drove me away. So I headed up to Chautauqua Park to see if I could catch the setting waxing crescent moon setting over the flatirons before heading to my monthly Colorado Nature Camera Club meeting.
Perfect timing! I am still going through the couple hundred images I shot from that setting, but here’s one almost straight out of the camera. Also, you can see the flashlight from a late hiker(s) just coming down from the First Flatiron, near the ridge line, left of the moon.
More to come from this shoot….
Posted in Landscapes, Shoots and tagged boulder, chautauqua park, flatirons, nighttime, sunset, Waxing Crescent Moon by greggl with no comments yet.
Rock Star
This past weekend, we went to a family picnic for my kids’ new school year held at Sunflower Farms near Longmont. While chasing the kids around the different attractions there, I stumbled upon this little guy on stage!
Anyone know what type of chicken this is? Please leave me a comment below.
Posted in General, Nature and tagged chicken, farm, picnic by greggl with no comments yet.